At the United Nations, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev is said to have pounded his shoe on his desk after a Philippine delegate's remark about Soviet oppression of Eastern Europe. But did it really happen? The New York Times was unequivocal: "Premier Khrushchev waved his shoe today and banged it on his desk, adding to the lengthening list of antics with which he has been nettling the General Assembly." There are no photos or footage of the incident; the closest is a photo, taken by the Times, of Khrushchev seated at his desk with a shoe in front of him (click to enlarge).
-- Los Angeles Daily Mirror front page:
@-- 1988 New York Times story:
@-- 2003 New York Times story:
@-- Account by Khrushchev's granddaughter: @ -- Account from "Khrushchev: The Man and His Era" (book):
@-- Accounts from "Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev":
@ (Khrushchev) and
@ (bodyguard) and
@ (U.N. employee)
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