Photo by Bob Jackson, Dallas Times Herald. From the Times Herald's front page: "The historic photograph above was made by Bob Jackson, staff photographer of The Times Herald, from a few feet. It was caught at the precise moment the bullet from Jack Ruby's pistol entered the body of Lee Harvey Oswald, accused assassin of President Kennedy. Note outstretched arm at right attempted to thwart the killer. Photographer Jackson has recorded for history one of its most bizarre and dramatic moments." Note: This is the uncropped version of the photo. * Footage: @
* Front page, The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, Washington): @
* "Nov. 24, 1963: A president is mourned, an assassin is murdered" (Washington Post): @
* "A Photographer's Story" (from The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza): @ * "Six-Tenths of a Second, Two Lives Forever Changed" (links to Dallas Morning News article about photographers on the scene): @
* Side-by-side photos by Jack Beers of Dallas Morning News and Bob Jackson: @ * "The shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald -- Robert H. Jackson" (from Amateur Photographer magazine): @
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