In a cotton field just south of Greenwood, Mississippi, Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan, Theodore Bikel and the Freedom Singers take part in a folk music festival-rally organized by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, which had been working to get blacks registered to vote. Dylan sang "Only a Pawn in Their Game," which he had written after the June 12 shooting death of Medgar Evers. (In its account of the event, The New York Times referred to Dylan as "Bobby Dillon.") Photos by Danny Lyon * Excerpt from "No Direction Home" (Robert Shelton, 1986): @ * Entry from @
* Freedom Singers biography (from The New Georgia Encyclopedia): @ * "Northern Folk Singers Help Out at Negro Festival in Mississippi" (New York Times, July 7; from @
* Earlier post on death of Medgar Evers (June 1963): @ * Earlier post on forming of SNCC (April 1960): @
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