Four black students from North Carolina A&T University sit down at a Woolworth's lunch counter -- a whites-only lunch counter. They are refused service but are allowed to stay at the counter. The manager closes the store early. This photo is from the next day's attempts at integration at the Greensboro Woolworth's, as a larger group gathered but were also refused service. Sit-ins quickly spread across the South.
* International Civil Rights Center & Museum, Greensboro: @
* Greensboro News & Record website: @
* Exhibit at National Museum of American History: @
* Veterans of the civil rights movement website: @
* Front page of Greensboro Record (February 2): @
* "Negro Sitdowns Stir Fear of Wider Unrest in South" (New York Times, February 15): @
* "February One: The story of the Greensboro Four" (PBS documentary): @
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