
Friday, April 30, 1965: 'Drama of Life Before Birth'

Lennart Nilsson's groundbreaking photography appears in Life magazine. The photos, depicting the development of a fetus from fertilization to age 28 weeks, would become enduring images for their scientific value as well as in the subsequent debate over abortion in the United States. (The magazine said at the time that most of the embryos "had been surgically removed for a variety of medical reasons.")

* April 30 edition: @
* Remembrance (life.time.com): @
* "A Child is Born" (www.lennartnilsson.com): @
* Q&A with Nilsson (www.lennartnilsson.com): @
* Embryo Project Encyclopedia (Arizona State University): @
* "The Lonesome Space Traveller" (from "Making Visible Embryos," University of Cambridge): @
* "Fetal Positions: Individualism, Science, Individuality" (Karen Newman, 1996): @
* "Fetal Subjects, Feminist Positions" (edited by Lynn W. Morgan and Meredith W. Michaels, 1999): @
* "Pregnant Pictures" (Sandra Matthews, 2000): @
* "The Social Worlds of the Unborn" (Deborah Lupton, 2013): @ 

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