
Monday, January 4, 1965: State of the Union speech

     President Johnson launched a long-heralded multibillion-dollar drive tonight to create the great society "where freedom from the wants of the body can help fulfill the needs of the spirit."
     At the same time, Johnson extended an invitation to Russia's leaders to come over and learn something about us.
     Laying down his blueprint for his great society in his State of the Union message to a joint session of Congress and to the nation, the President:
     * Called for an excise tax cut which may total $2 billion.
     * Proposed a new, additional $1.5 billion aid-to-education program carrying help from the primary grades to graduate schools.
     * Plugged again for medical care for aged under social security and for a stepped-up war on poverty.
     * Demanded federal action to eliminate all voting restrictions aimed at Negroes.
     * Recommended standby legislative procedures to allow instant income tax cuts in the event of a recession.
     * Pledged to support repeal of section 14B of the Taft-Hartley Act authorizing state right -to-work laws.
     The unusual evening time chosen for delivery of the message assured President Johnson of the widest possible television and radio audience, coming as it did during "prime time."

-- Story from New York Daily News: @
-- UPI photo from U.S. House of Representatives: @

* Text of speech (LBJ Library): @
* Video: (LBJ Library): @
* Summary (www.history.com): @
* Summary (www.realclearpolitics.com): @
* New York Times story: @
* "Johnson Asks Excise Tax Cut" (Associated Press): @
* "LBJ, Congress Head Down Road to 'Great Society' " (Associated Press): @
* "The Week That Was" (Associated Press, January 10 and January 17): @ and @
* "Will Congress Nail Down the Great Society? ... Maybe" (Life magazine, January 15): @
* Earlier post on first "Great Society" speeches (May 1964): @ 

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