
Monday, May 4, 1964: Bourbon whiskey

WASHINGTON, May 5 -- Congress yesterday called bourbon whisky a distinctive American drink and asked President Johnson to stop all foreign pretenders from trickling into this country. Congressional action was completed when the House passed a resolution containing praises for bourbon and pleas to stop importation of any foreign portion that tries to use the same name. The Senate passed the same resolution last September. The resolution is not a law -- but only an expression of congressional sentiment for bourbon -- and it does not require the signature of President Johnson, whose taste is reputed to run to scotch.
     -- Associated Press, May 5 (link: @)
     -- Image from Bourbon & Banter
* Text of resolution (Government Printing Office): @
* National Bourbon Heritage Month resolution, 2007 (Library of Congress): @
"Standards of Identity for Distilled Spirits" (Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, U.S. Department of the Treasury): @
* "The Definition of Bourbon" (bourbonsbistro.com): @
* "About Bourbon" (www.jimbeam.com): @

* "Bourbon Whiskey" (www.barnonedrinks.com): @
* "Is Bourbon Officially America's Native Spirit?" (chuckcowdery.blogspot.com): @
* "Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey: An American Heritage" (Michael R. Veach, 2013): @ 

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