
1963-1964: Computer mouse

     Late 1963: Douglas Engelbart, founder and director of the Augmented Human Intellect Research Center at Stanford Research Institute, conceives of a device to more easily move a cursor around a computer screen. (Source: "Bootstrapping: Douglas Engelbart, Coevolution, and the Origins of Personal Computing," Thierry Bardini, 2000; link: @)
     1964: Bill English, a computer engineer working with Engelbart, builds a "mouse" prototype.
     1965: The term "mouse" would first be used in "Computer-Aided Display Control," a paper by Engelbart, English and Bonnie Huddart.
     December 9, 1968: The mouse is demonstrated publicly for the first time.
     -- Image from MouseSite (linked below)
* "Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework" (Engelbart, 1962): @
* "Computer-Aided Display Control": @
* "Father of the mouse" (from Doug Engelbart Institute): @
* "History in pictures" (from Doug Engelbart Institute): @
* "1963: Douglas Engelbart Invents the Mouse" (from University of California Berkeley College of Engineering): @
* MouseSite (from Stanford University): @
* Mouse patent (application 1967, approval 1970): @
* "Computer Mouse and Interactive Computing" (from SRI International, formerly Stanford Research Institute): @
* Engelbart entry from Computer History Museum: @
* Mouse entry from Computer History Museum: @
* Video of 1968 demonstration: @
* Engelbart obituary (New York Times, 2013): @ 

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