
Wednesday, June 5, 1963: Profumo Affair

From The Associated Press (link to full story below):
     LONDON -- The British conservative party's chances for re-election reached a new low today as a result of a personal scandal involving a cabinet minister.
     John Profumo, prime minister Harold Macmillan's 48-year-old war minister, quit his cabinet post and his seat in parliament last night after confessing he had lied in denying an "improper association" with a notorious model, Christine Keeler.
     Profumo's disgrace was a political bombshell for Macmillan and his conservative party, who had believed the minister's denial in the house of commons March 22 of persistent rumors that he had illicit relations with the 22-year-old model, a redheaded beauty who numbered two Jamaican Negroes among her lovers.
* "Tory Fortunes to New Low" (June 6, 1963): @
* "Temptress Rocks the Empire" (Life magazine, June 21, 1963): @
* Short summary (from Encyclopedia Britannica): @
* John Profumo biography (from Oxford Dictionary of National Biography): @
* From BBC: March 22 - @; June 5 - @
* "The Profumo Affair" (from BBC America): @
* "The Profumo Scandal" (from iconicphotos.wordpress.com): @
* "1963: The Profumo scandal lays bare the sex revolution" (Stuart Jeffries, The Guardian, 2013): @
* "Clouds of Scandal" (Christine Keeler, Vanity Fair, 2001): @
* "An English Affair: Sex, Class and Power in the Age of Profumo" (Richard Davenport-Hines, 2012): @ 

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