
Saturday, April 6, 1963: Learning disabilities

     From the Learning Disabilities Association of America (link below):

     On April 6, 1963, a group of parents convened a conference in Chicago entitled "Exploration into the Problems of the Perceptually Handicapped Child." Professionals from various disciplines and with diverse and extensive clinical experience in dealing with the needs of these children participated. Professionals and parents shared a common concern: the recognition of the dire need for services for their children, services that did not exist.
     The 1963 conference articulated the cornerstones on which the field of Learning Disabilities is based. The underlying assumptions put forth provided the frameworks for legislation, theories, diagnostic procedures, educational practices, research and training models. A consensus was reached on a name for the category ... the term "Learning Disabilities," embedded within the title of Dr. Samuel Kirk's conference paper, was selected.

Note: Kirk first used the term "learning disabilities" in his 1962 book "Educating Exceptional Children" (link to 2012 edition below).
* "Educating Exceptional Children" (Kirk et al): @
* Learning Disabilities Association of America: @
* "Definition of learning disabilities" (from National Association of Special Education Teachers): @
* "Learning disabilities: Historical Perspectives" (from National Research Center on Learning Disabilities): @
* "Learning disabilities movement turns 50" (Washington Post, April 2013): @
* Obituary of Samuel Kirk (New York Times, July 1996): @ 

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