Tuesday, January 1, 1963: 'Astro Boy'
The animated cartoon "Tetsuwan Atomu," about a young robot boy with super powers who fights for peace and justice, has its television premiere in Japan. Based on the comic book ("manga") by Tezuka Osamu, it would be broadcast in the United States starting in September as "Astro Boy."
* Watch first English episode: @ and @
* Entry from www.animenewsnetwork.com: @
* Entry from tezukaosamu.net: @
* Entry from tezukainenglish.com: @
* Short profile of Tezuka Osamu (from www.animeacademy.com): @
* "The Astro Boy Essays: Osamu Tezuka, Mighty Atom, and the Manga/Anime Revolution: @
* "Astro Boy and Anime Come to the Americas" (Fred Ladd and Harvey Deneroff, 2009): @
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