
Saturday, December 1, 1962: Khrushchev and modern art

Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev, touring an exhibit of modern art in Moscow, calls the work "dog shit" and argues its merits with sculptor Ernst Neizvestny, above. (Photo from RIA Novosti.)

Footnote: Neizvestny would sculpt the graveside monument after Khrushchev's death in 1971. 

* "Centaur: The Life and Art of Ernst Neizvestny" (Albert Leong, 2002): @
* Excerpt from "Khrushchev: The Man and his Era" (William Taubman, 2003): @
* Excerpt from "The Experimental Group: Ilya Kabakov, Moscow Conceptualism, Soviet Avant-Gardes" (Matthew Jesse Jackson, 2010): @
* Excerpt from "Unofficial Art in the Soviet Union: (Paul Sjeklocha and Igor Mead, 1967): @
* "Khruschev on the Arts" (from www. soviethistory.org): @
* "Red Paper Hits Liberal Trends in Soviet Arts" (Associated Press, December 4): @
* Neizvestny's website: @
* Catalog on Neizvestny exhibition (University of Colorado, Anschultz Medical Campus, 2012): @
* Photos of Neizvestny's works (from Russian news agency RIA Novosti): @ 

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