From The Associated Press:
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Oct. 18 -- A young American biologist and two British scientists were jointly awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize for Medicine today for a major breakthrough into the mysteries of heredity.
Among other things, their work gives clues to some of the fundamental secrets of life -- what makes a man a man, what are blue eyes blue. It also points toward new studies into the causes of such ailments as anemia.
Sharing the award were Dr. James Dewey Watson, 34, of Harvard University; Dr. Francis Harry Compton Crick, 46, member of the Department of Molecular Biology at Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, England; and Dr. Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins, 46, deputy director of the Biophysics Laboratory at King's College, London.
... Scientists have hailed the unveiling of the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid -- which is commonly known as "DNA" -- as being as revolutionary for biology as the cracking of the atom was for physics.
Photo of Watson, left, and Crick in 1953 (from Science Photo Library).
* From @ and @
* From Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory: @ and @
* From National Human Genome Research Institute (National Institutes of Health): @
* From Genetics Home Reference (National Library of Medicine): @
* From Chemical Heritage Foundation: @
* Read entire Associated Press article: @