
Monday, September 12, 1966: 'The Monkees'

     Imagine the Marx Brothers as a long-haired rock and roll group, who make a movie called "A Hard Day's Night" to be shown on the "Hullabaloo" TV series. That, friends, is the briefest way to describe The Monkees!
     Filmed at the pell-mell pace of teenage existence, photographed with some offbeat movie-making techniques, the program stars a group of three Americans and one English boy who never saw each other before the series.
     The plot? The freewheeling description by NBC puts it this way: "The Monkees quartet play dates, but are more often 'at liberty,' where they must conquer such foes as automation, unemployment, longhair music, landlords, rival musicians, strict parents and fickle girlfriends."
     -- Summary from TV Week, September 1966
     -- Image from TV Guide (via http://monkee45s.net/)

* Official website: @
* www.monkeeslivealmanac: @
* www.monkees.net: @
* Album reviews (www.allmusic.com): @
* TV series (www.imdb.com): @
* " 'The Monkees' broke the fourth wall of 1960s TV" (www.avclub.com): @ 

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