
Saturday, September 25, 1965: Republicans' '11th Commandment'

The phrase "Thou shalt not speak ill of any Republican" was first put forth by Gaylord Parkinson, chairman of the California GOP, in an effort to ensure party unity and focus Republican efforts on unseating Democratic Gov. Pat Brown. It was precipitated by public accusations that Ronald Reagan -- who had yet to declare his candidacy -- had once belonged to Communist-front organizations. (Parkinson was also hoping to counter the public perception of Republicans after Barry Goldwater had been labeled an "extremist" during his 1964 bid for the presidency.)

Top image from Fresno Bee (linked below)

Bottom image: Reagan paraphrased the commandment when he announced his candidacy for governor in January 1966.

* "GOP Chief Warns Party Candidates" (The Fresno Bee, September 26; from newspapers.com, subscription only): @
* "Christopher's War on Reagan Test GOP's Gag Rule" (Capitol News Service, October 18): @
* "Hearings Regarding the Communist Infiltration of the Motion Picture Industry" (House Committee on Un-American Activities, 1947; Reagan's testimony begins on page 213): @
* Excerpt from "Triumph of the Right: The Rise of the California Conservative Movement, 1945-1966 (Kurt Schuparra, 1988): @
* Excerpt from "Reagan: The Life" (H.W. Brands, 2015): @ 

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