
Febuary 7-9, 1964: The Beatles in America

February 7
     Multiply Elvis Presley by four, subtract six years from his age, add British accents and a sharp sense of humor. The answer: It's the Beatles (Yeah, Yeah, Yeah). The rock 'n' roll group, which may become Britain's most successful export since the bowler, arrived at Kennedy International Airport yesterday and more than 3,000 teen-agers stood four deep on the upper arcade at the International Arrivals Building to greet them. (The New York Times, February 8; link: @
     -- Photo by Harry Benson

* "Four Screaming Mopheads Break Up England: Here Come Those Beatles" (Life magazine, January 31): @
* Video excerpts from press conference: @ 
* Press conference transcript (from www.beatlesinterviews.org): @ 
* "Beatle Hysteria Hits US" (The Guardian, February 8): @
* "The Beatles' American Invasion Begins" (from The Beatles Bible): @
* "Turn Left at Greenland Or How The Beatles Came to America" (Bruce Spizer, 2006, from www.beatlesagain.com): @ 
* Newsreel (from Critical Past): @
* Same newsreel (with British voice-over; from British Pathe): @

February 9
     The Beatles -- four British lads who sing when they are not busy running away from barbers -- made their American television debut tonight -- and some things may never be the same. (Associated Press, February 9; link: @)
     -- Photos by CBS

* Video (from Jukebo.com): @
* "Screaming Teen-Age Fans Almost Outdo British Singers in Dramatic Capers" (AP, February 10): @
* "Boys With Shaggy Heads Found Boring by Critic" (United Press International, February 10): @
* "U.S. Rocks & Reels from Beatles' Invasion" (Billboard, February 15): @
* "The Unbarbershopped Quartet" (Time, February 21; image from www.beatlefan.net): @
* "Bugs About Beatles" (Newsweek cover story, February 24; image from www.beatlefan.net): @
* "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Music's Gold Bugs: The Beatles" (Al Aronowitz, Saturday Evening Post, March 21): @
*"Beatles: The Day They Hit U.S.A." (AP, February 1984): @ 
* "The Beatles' First Ed Sullivan Show" (from The Beatles Bible): @
* "The Story Behind The Beatles on Ed Sullivan" (Bruce Spizer, 2006, from www.beatlesagain.com): @
* "Beatles in America" (from The Pop History Dig): @
* "The Beatles' U.S. Invasion" (CBS News): @ 
* "All-Time Television Rankings" (2004; from www.thefab40.com): @ 

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