
Saturday, January 11, 1964: Smoking report

     A special government scientific team today linked cigarette smoking to five forms of cancer and termed the habit a health hazard which needs "appropriate remedial action."
     The long-awaited 150,000-word report by 10 scientists and physicians declared that a series of studies showed that "the mortality ratio of cigarette smokers over non-smokers was particularly high for a number of diseases."
     Among these, it listed lung cancer, cancer of the mouth, cancer of the larynx, cancer of the esophagus, cancer of the urinary bladder, emphysema, bronchitis, peptic ulcers and coronary artery disease.
     It said the death rate among smokers compared to non-smokers was nearly 1,000 times higher from lung cancer, about 500 times higher from bronchitis and emphysema and about 70 percent high for coronary artery.
     -- United Press International; full story: @
* "US Panel Calls Cigarets Health Peril" (The Milwaukee Journal): @
* "Verdict on Cigarets: Guilty as Charged" (Life magazine, starts on Page 56A): @
* "Health Panel Accepts Findings on Smoking" (Associated Press, January 27): @
* Memo from Philip Morris Tobacco Company (January 29): @ and @
* Full text of report (from U.S. National Library of Medicine): @
* Summary (from U.S. National Library of Medicine): @
* "History of the Surgeon General's Reports on Smoking and Health" (from U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention): @
* Legacy Tobacco Documents Library (University of California, San Francisco): @
* Stanford Research into the Impact of Tobacco Advertising (Stanford University): @ 

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