
Thursday, October 10, 1963: Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

WASHINGTON -- The nuclear test ban treaty banning all but underground explosions formally went into effect today with ratification ceremonies in Washington, London and Moscow.
     Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Soviet Ambassador Anatoly F. Dobrynin and British Ambassador Sir David Ormsby Gore exchanged ratification documents and expressed hope for further measures to ease the cold war.
     Similar ceremonies took place in Moscow and London.
-- United Press International

Photo from August 5 signing in Moscow. Original caption: "Seated to sign three-nation nuclear test ban in the Kremlin's St. Catherine's Hall on August 5th are (left to right): US Secretary of State Dean Rusk; Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko; and British Foreign Secretary Lord Home. To right behind Gromyko is Soviet Premier Nikita Khruschev; then (right to left) United Nations Secretary General U Thant; Adlai Stevenson, US ambassador to the UN; Senator Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.); unidentified man with glasses; Senator William Fulbright (D-Ark.); and Senator George Aiken (R-Vt.)." Photo from Corbis Images.

* PDF of treaty (from National Archives): @ 
* Summary and text (from U.S. Department of State): @ 
* President Kennedy's address to nation (July 26): @ 
* Summary from JFK Library: @ 
* Summary from Office of the Historian, U.S. Department of State: @ 
* Summary from atomicarchive.com: @ 
* Summary from history.com: @ 
* "The Limited Test Ban Treaty -- 50 years Later" (from National Security Archive): @ 
* "Ending Nuclear Testing" (from United Nations): @ 
* "Test Ban Treaty Signed in Moscow; Leaders Rejoice" (New York Times, August 6, 1963): @ 
* Newsreel (Moscow signing): @ 
* Newsreel (Kennedy signing): @  

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