
Saturday, September 14, 1963: Tokyo Convention

This Convention, adopted at Tokyo on 14 Sepember 1963 (Tokyo Convention), was the first multilateral legal instrument to deal with the growing problem of hijacking. Its main objective is to establish primary jurisdiction of the State of registration over offences committed on board civil aircraft in flight or on the surface of the high seas or of any other area outside the territory of any State (articles 1 and 3). Although the Convention does not define nor list any particular offences or acts which must be suppressed, its article 11 deals with one specific form of terrorism, namely, aerial hijacking.
     -- From "International Law: Theory and Practice" (1998)

* "Convention on offences and certain other acts committed on board aircraft" (text): @
* "United Nations Treaties Against International Terrorism" (from www.un.org): @
* "Notes on the Tokyo Convention, 1963" (from www.airspacelaw.org): @
* "Jurisdiction Over Crimes On Board Aircraft" (Sami Shubber, 1973): @
* Aerial Piracy and International Terrorism: The Illegal Diversion of Aircraft and International Law" (Edward McWhinney, 1987): @ 
* Earlier post on Cuba hijacking (May 1, 1961): @

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