
Wednesday, January 11, 1961: Integration of University of Georgia

Following a U.S. district judge's order, two black students -- Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes -- begin attending classes at the University of Georgia, two days after arriving in Athens. That night, violence breaks out on campus and on January 12, the two students are suspended "in the interest of your public safety and for the safety and welfare of more than 7,000 other students." The same district judge orders them reinstated, and they resume classes on January 16.

-- Summary:
* From Hargrett Library (University of Georgia): @

-- Videos:
* From the Civil Rights Digital Library -- go to "WSB-TV Newsfilm Collection" for a list of clips from the Atlanta television station: @
* You can also access WSB footage at the Brown Media Archive Newsfilm Database (search for "University of Georgia 1961"): @

-- Photos:
* Corbis Images: @

-- Books:
* "We Shall Not Be Moved: The Desegregation of the University of Georgia" (by Robert A. Pratt): @
* "An Education in Georgia" (by Calvin Trillin): @

-- Other:
* "Celebrating Courage" (University of Georgia commemorative website): @
* The Foot Soldier Project for Civil Rights Studies at the University of Georgia: @
* National Public Radio story featuring Charlayne Hunter-Gault: @
* "Shame in Georgia" (Time magazine, January 20, 1961; subscription required): @
* The Road to Integration (timeline from Our Georgia History website): @
* More about Athens (from Freedom on Film: Civil Rights in Georgia website): @

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